Saturday, December 15, 2007

ATA Testing for Reese!

Reese had is testing today at Albans ATA Black Belt Academy He did really well. He was very concerned about how he landed on his kicks and if he would turn the wrong way. As you can see from his video he did just fine!

Sorry about the video quality, it was taken with our Olympus FE-230 7.1 megapixel digital camera. The camera takes great shots, but when filming in low light from a distance, it gets grainy.

After the form testing he had to spar. This is the first time I've ever seen him get really aggravated with someone and I was especially proud of the way he handled himself during this event. After all was said and done he even went out and shook the other boys hand. To me Reese displayed excellent sportsman ship, something that has been taught to him in the past three years he's been participating in the sport of Taekwondoe. Yes we are proud parents. When we asked Reese what he wanted us to write about him he said, " that he made it to red belt decided, and he broke both boards one with a front kick and one with his elbow on the first try!" Unfortunately we didn't get any board breaking video because we were cheering so hard. We realise that we need to update his sparring and protective gear so he can participate in the upcoming tournament sponsored by the ATA academy held in Lafayette, LA this February!

After the testing, we asked Reese where he wanted to go to lunch (it was after 2PM.) He wanted to go to Johnny Carino's Italian Grill. It's funny, no matter where we go to eat, the boys almost always get the same thing - Pasta and Butter!

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