Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lafayette - LEDA - Small Business Luncheon

Today I had the opportunity to take the roaming mic and announce our new IvyTek Remote Backup service. While I have not talked to a crowd that big in a while and I totally went off my prepared script, I think I did OK. I could have used the coaching services of the Speech Therapist, or created a jingle like the lady did at Mary-Kay, but I did not. Anyway - here is the video, filmed by the shaky hands of an employee of from University of Phoenix!

Just to make a correction, we can only recover you r data if you are using the service!

I provided our brouchure that is found at the IvyTek website and I think a handfull of people grabed a copy. Now, if only we can get the IvyTek Blog going instead of posting here at MIGsby.

What do you think?

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